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Tushar Bhatnagar


News Delivery - Enhancing Video Content Creation with vidBoard

In today's digital age, video content has become a crucial aspect of news delivery, engaging audiences like never before. News agencies and individual content creators are continuously seeking ways to create captivating video content, expand their reach, and deliver news in innovative formats. vidBoard offers a comprehensive solution that empowers news agencies and individuals to produce high-quality videos efficiently, reach a wider audience, and deliver news in multiple languages through digital talking avatars as presenters.

1. Automated Video Creation with Digital Talking Avatars
vidBoard's automated video creation tools allow news agencies to transform their content into visually appealing and professional videos within minutes. The platform's standout feature is the ability to convert a front-facing 2D photo into a digital talking avatar. By leveraging this innovative capability, news agencies can create presenter-led news videos with virtual avatars, enhancing viewer engagement and creating a unique news delivery experience.

2. Customization and Personalization
While automation accelerates the video creation process, vidBoard also offers customization options, allowing news agencies to retain their brand identity and style. With the digital talking avatars, news agencies can further personalize their videos by choosing the avatar's appearance, voice, and mannerisms to match their brand and content requirements.

3. Language Translation and Subtitle/Transcription Features
vidBoard provides language support like never before, offering content translation into 125 languages. This feature enables news agencies to deliver their videos to a global audience, breaking language barriers and reaching viewers worldwide. Additionally, the platform's subtitle and transcription features also support 125 languages, making news videos accessible and inclusive for audiences around the world.

4. Competitive Advantage:
One of the key advantages of using vidBoard is its pricing. In comparison to its competitors in the market, vidBoard offers a cost-effective solution that is almost 40 percent less expensive. This competitive pricing structure allows news agencies and individual content creators to benefit from a powerful video creation and delivery platform without straining their budgets, making vidBoard an attractive and accessible option in the market.

vidBoard revolutionizes the news delivery landscape by empowering news agencies and individual content creators with an efficient, user-friendly platform to create, distribute, and deliver news in an engaging and innovative format. With the ability to use digital talking avatars as presenters, vidBoard elevates news videos to a new level of interaction and captivation, making news content stand out and resonate with audiences. The platform's extensive language support with content translation and subtitle/transcription capabilities in 125 languages ensures that news videos can reach a global audience, making news delivery more inclusive and impactful, all at a competitive price advantage.